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God is not First, He is Everything

In a society where the majority of people believe in the God of the Holy Bible, and yet the world is turning more and more to sin than to Holiness, there is something that is greatly missing. God has always been there. It is us that tend to believe in a way that confesses belief in Him, yet our lives don't live in such a way to reveal that truth. We say that God is First, we make an order even (God, spouse, kids, and then job/ministry). However, it should be God, and then God, and then God. If not, you might wake up with God, and then leave Him while you tend to the rest, and you might just say He is First even in those things, but it's just a confession, not a life confessing that He is really first. Without Him being everything, all those other things, my spouse, my kids, my job, ministry, it doesn't matter. He created me For Him, to surrender, to Know Him, to be Intimate with Him, and I can do this every second of my life. Therefore God is Not First before Anything, because He is Everything. Without this, it is all just a confession with my lips, but my heart would be far from Him. May the grace of God be with us all to know His Truth that sets us free from every doctrine and teaching, so they we can be united with one voice, one Holy Spirit, to show that we are truly His disciples.

God is All

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